Friday, November 6, 2009

Donating To Charities

There are many different ways of donating to charities. Many people donate time to the Salvation Army. Other people donate unused items to Good Will Industries. There are many people who need a helping hand and if you have some time, there are many charities that would love the donation of your time.

If tax time gets you down, donating to charities is a great way to get a tax write off. Just make sure you get a receipt and fill out the proper paperwork for the IRS to take advantage of the write off.

Donating to charities can be done in the form of youth group fundraisers. These can come in the form of cookie dough or candy bar or pizza sales to name just a few. The kids raise the funds for their favorite charities and then the charities can make sure the money gets where it needs to be. This can be in the form of the refrigerator for fresh milk for an orphanage or beds and medicine for a hospital.

The key to donating to charities is to make sure that the charity is legitimate. Make sure to do your due diligence. Make sure the money goes to people in need and not administration.